“Transparency One”

This could change everything.

Ki Jaegar
5 min readJul 31, 2023

I don’t remember exactly when I had the idea.

They tend to show up all at once in a single chaotic burst, and I then have to spend months sorting their fragments and then gluing them together, like glass statues that got shattered in transit.

...Anyone have piece number T-32GH5-A?

These ideas tend to cut their semi-hapless “owner” in attempts to work the shards into a usable whole, so my apologies if this gets a bit rambly. One must be a certain level of drunk or sleep deprived (or both) in order to put this to print, it seems.

It’s not every day that one posts something that’s pretty likely to end up being the thing that gets them killed, after all.

…where was I?

Oh, right. The idea that could save the world.

I want you to close your eyes… (figuratively, obviously, you need to read this) and imagine something… interesting.

I want you to imagine a candidate for U.S. President.

(…or whoever you like; it’s *your* imagination, ya weirdo. ❤ )

This candidate has no traditional qualifications to speak of. No party loyalty. No money.

But they lucked into some amount of attention from the public, and, coupled with their (highly onerous but occasionally-worth-it) drive to ensure the best outcomes for as many people as possible, they present a rather… peculiar core platform as they drop onto the world stage.

No, it’s not “anime will save us.” (But anime is pretty awesome.)

That platform is simple on its face, with a few slightly-more-complicated facets that all work together to ensure it effectively moves as a single cohesive structure.

…You know.

Like a “good government” is, in theory, supposed to function.

Our current vessel, or somewhere thereabouts. (I’m sure it’s fine, though; they’ve NEVER lied before.)


What does this total fuckin’ rando say that is so simple, yet so profound that they think they deserve the top spot (and think that everyone else should think that, too)?

This sumbitch promises to let a military-grade drone named “Transparency One” follow them around 24/7, broadcasting their every word and deed to any interested members of the American public live (and everyone else on a short delay) for

They have nearly a trillion a year for sword-missiles; they can make a flying camera happen.

“That’s not a revolutionary idea! That’s Tuesday night on TikTok!”


Tell ’em how you feel, random-AI-guy!

Add in live hive-voting for secure polls and collectively-chosen conversation options with the Head Honcho, and maybe you’re *beginning* to see this particular souffle rise (or whatever it is souffles do).

I’m still cooking, but don’t you worry…

…they already fuckin’ HATE this recipe.

One side of the core issue we face as a species is opacity (the other is priority, but we’ll get into those in a later tirade).

Simply put, as a species,

we have prioritized informational barriers,

at the cost of DE-prioritizing truth and knowledge.

Think I’m wrong? Then what is a “Non-Disclosure Agreement”?

Secrets are profitable. True knowledge of what’s really going on is only available to those who can afford to pay the asking price for it, or those with the clearance to “handle the truth.” Everyone else is simply left to make the most important decisions of their lives with whatever data scraps they can piece together (after everyone above them is done turning that knowledge into profit and control)… all while hoping to whatever powers exist that the information they’re receiving is accurate.

  • Spoiler alert: it’s usually not.

We could have course-corrected 50 years ago, and then…

…well, you know what they say about an ounce of prevention.

Except we’re at the point now where we need several tons of cure.

Enter T-1.

We’ll be watching you, “Number One.”

…and its sister concept, “Percentum.”

“Percentum” is a collective live-voting priority-organization blockchain that allows the citizens to communicate their needs and desires to their government *in real time.*

(Hopefully the actual interface is… legible.)

Each person of legal voting age and ability receives 100 units of voting currency (“Percentum”) that they can then allocate and RE-allocate at will to whatever concepts they like, in portions as small or large as they choose.

The catch is all Percentum allocations are public knowledge (thus the blockchain).

The current results are constantly being re-tabulated 24/7 and the top collective priorities, as well as each individual’s allocations, are always accessible to everyone.

Perhaps you’re starting to see the potential ripples already.

Politicians who don’t allocate their Percentum will be seen through as spineless cowards.

If they reallocate too frequently, they’ll been seen through as wishy-washy flip-flops.

If they never reallocate, they’ll be seen through as too stuck in their ways to change and adapt.

If they always reallocate to match their constituents, but then vote contrary to their allocations, they’ll be seen through as two-faced liars.

Instead of every one, two, or four years, the populace will be able to communicate with/steer the government in real-time…

…thus granting our nation the basic evolutionary equivalent of a collective nervous system.

Ki Jaegar: Bringing the “United” back to the States.

Couple Percentum with Transparency One, and now you’re most likely starting to see the basic outline of something that has the potential to become very, very cool… very, very quickly.

Something that just might be able to save us.

Think that’s interesting?

Oh… but wait.

There’s more.

I’ve got an idea to fix our collective circulatory system, too.

But that will have to be a post for another day. (This shit is exhausting.)

For now, rest assured…

…I’m *just getting started.*

(Rotating the entire castle just to turn the tables?

Damn, must be

— 🔑 )

